
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Two dollar shelf....

Old weathered dock board with the rope hook still attached...
Just the right size above several windows...

Last year my husband and I closed in our screened porch to add extra living space next to our kitchen. Our plan was always to add a long shelf above one set of windows...BUT we just couldn't agree on anything...

Little did we know that the shelf board would come right from our own yard. Recently during a storm one of the dock boards had come out and drifted down to a neighbors yard. Our neighbor returned the board and we had it leaning on a tree stump for weeks- ready for the trash...

I must have looked at that board, leaning on a tree stump, for weeks- when it finally hit me that it might just work for our shelf... AND it did- and we really love it.

AND oh- the two dollars comes in when we purchased the shelf brackets on a clearance rack- two for 2.07 (odd amount?) at Lowes. I LOVE clearance racks!

So what's on the shelf? From left to right: Wooden noah's ark, brass seamen- if you have visited our Under the Willow shop- they may look familiar here, large horseshoe shell our grand girlies found along the shore, more seamen, wooden birds, fav sign from a friend, wooden bottle our son made from a lathe, and appropriately an antique ball filled with shells.


Suds to Love said...

Wow... what a perfect length and a great score.

Carrie Garvin said...

Thank you Trisha- I was so glad to "re-purpose" something from home.

Anonymous said...

Kudos on your creative (and attractive) way to re-use something that some people would just throw away! You have such a lovely home.

Michelle said...

That is really cool you could turn the dock board into a shelf. You have such a creative eye for so many things. I like that you chose to decorate the shelf with so many treasured items.

Michelle said...

That is really cool you could turn the dock board into a shelf. You have such a creative eye for so many things. I like that you chose to decorate the shelf with so many treasured items.

Carrie Garvin said...

Teresa and Michelle! Always so nice to hear from you both ~ you both have some of my fav blogs to visit!

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

How exciting to use your own board for this shelf. It is so pretty.I love it. I also love your new blog look. It is so perfect with your home and your blog. I miss visiting you my friend.

Carrie Garvin said...

Thank you Ginger~ So nice to hear from you too! I'm off to visit your blog and catch up too!

Michelle said...

I miss talking to you like we use to on the soap blog from years back! I hope business is going great and that your family is all well. It is hard to believe it is almost 2011.